Monday, November 29, 2010

another character sketch for comic

(see the first character sketch here)

This is another looser character sketch for "Familiar" the comic serial I'm doing for my sequential arts assignment. While its still very much a funny and absurd story its also the first adventury narrative based thing I've worked on which is both exciting and nerve wracking. I can't really go deep into the specifics of the story, but its basically about this witche's familiar who is asked by the witch to rob her dad's grave to get this powerful talisman. he ends up getting drunk with his friend in the cemetery and has to go find his friend who gets captured while pissing by some unknown force. I drew heavily from my love of punk rock as well as lots of greek and russian mythology and folktales. this sketch is specifically from the part where the main character gets into an argument with the moon and starts hurling debris and glass bottles at him. I want to upload the layouts for the comic to get some insight but the penciling is way too light to be scanned. I also had to design this sort of title headline for it that I will be uploading eventually as well. If all goes will I will definitely be trying to make this into a zine when I'm done with it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

possession sketch

I had to do an editorial illustration for this article for one of my classes. this is one of the couple of sketches I did for it. I ended up choosing one that related more to the article's content but I still really liked this drawing so I uploaded it. When I'm finished the actual assignment I will put that up as well


fossil naming

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Love" illustration assignment

This is an editorial illustration of "first love" I did for Jose Villarubia's Illustration Concepts class. I used colored inks rather than watercolor for this and really tried to go balls out on the color (its pretty stressful having your colors judged by a comic book colorist). anyway, this is pretty much the final version of it. I may put in more posters on the back wall, change the boy's shirt, and tint the walls blue but otherwise this is it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Slurricane #2 in california!

If you have been wanting to buy Slurricane 2, live in california, and for some reason can't afford the $2.50 for shipping there's good news! Slurricane 2 is now sold at Meltdown comics and False Start Distro thanks to the wonderful Meredith Wallace! You LA folks now have no excuse! click here for more information (and an incredibly flattering write-up of the zine)

the ol' spicy keychain

Monday, November 8, 2010

sequential arts character design sketch

This is a real loose color sketch of a character I'm doing a longer comic of in my sequential arts class. I'm playing around with different ways to incorporate color into my pieces and I really like how this turned out. this was my first attempt at drawing this way so I'll see if I can polish it up. all in all though I'm trying to phase out using micron pens in favor of ink and various nibs. as for the comic, I don't really have a concrete plot yet but I can say that I am trying to do a newspaper style weekly adventure serial about sorcery and punk rock.

Saturday, November 6, 2010